The team has updated the Institutional Review Board (IRB) application form and both versions of the consent form. The IRB application form was updated to indicate that all student researchers have completed CITI training. The entire form itself was also thoroughly checked for consistency and relevance. For example, the team changed all instances in which the word "recidivism" was used and replaced it with "rehabilitation".
Both versions of the consent form, which are the past and the current versions, were also heavily revised. The reading level was lowered on the form in order to accommodate as many participants as they can throughout the research. A statement was also added to indicate that participation or refusal to participate in this study will have no effect on parole. Separate signature sections were also added at the bottom of each version to allow participants to opt out of audio recording. Security concerns were also addressed with regards to the use of a Gmail account. To resolve this, the team will use Professor Golash-Boza’s UC Merced email.
The team has also found a perfect guide to interview vulnerable populations known as “Prisoners as Human Subject Clinical Researchers Reference Guide”. The goals for the team include having all needed IRB/State documents completed by March 18th, finishing consent forms for former and current wards, completing the poster and go back to lit reviews, and outline the guide to conduct research and condense it for everyone to read and future semesters.