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Project Protect Project Details

Project Overview

Project Protect is working with Healthy House (HH) in order to introduce Western medicine to multicultural groups. They are working to raise awareness about antibiotic resistance as well as improve discrepancy issues during doctor visits. The team realized that the lack of communication and language barriers are contributing to misunderstanding between patients, interpreters, and doctors. Thus, the goal of the application is to close this communication gap by providing common questions, answers, and information about common treatments including antibiotic resistance that older generations and multi-ethical communities may lack knowledge of.

The Project Protect Engineering Service Learning team will be working to create a smartphone application, which will be made available for the users to view on their respective phone devices, such that they can become more aware of various bacterial and/or viral infections, medications associated with those infections, and general questions that can be asked when a patient visit their healthcare provider in regards to various infections. Through this application, Healthy House clients and stakeholders will be able to better communicate with their medical provider who will be using the phone application.

Current Status

The Fall 2015 team has successfully completed the first half of their planned semester timeline. The team worked well together by constantly checking in and sending emails to each other so that everyone is up-to-date and knows his/her own individual roles and assignments. Outside communication, such as texting and meetings, allowed the team to have more time to work on their project. The team successfully completed their research progress and final project report. The Fall 2015 team identified their stakeholders and needs assessment.