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Welcome to Engineering Service Learning!

The Foster Family Center for Engineering Service Learning program connects student teams to nonprofit community partners to provide students with rewarding engineering challenges, and community partners with innovative solutions at no cost. Learn more about this program and the people who made it happen on the About page.

You can see some of the ways we’ve been aiding our community through the recent projects to the left, or the full list on the projects page.

ENGR 096 is the conduit course for the program. Students, enroll in ENGR 096 to join an impactful project! See more details on the Join the Course page.

If you are a nonprofit organization interested in supporting the program and receiving an innovative, student-designed solution to your engineering challenge, request a project, or see more details on the Partners page.

What Our Students Say

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I learned teamwork and communication. You can’t move forward unless everyone is on the same page.

Edith Padilla

I learned time management, organization, and task delegation while I was the Assistant Project Manager. Learning these skills really helped me in other classes.

Leo Cabrera


I learned to work as a team and be responsible. Leadership and communication is key.

Linda Erazo

As a Management major on the team, I looked for potential risks and how we could avoid them while the engineering majors looked for the information to solve them.

Maya Martinez