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Below is a list of ongoing and completed projects by students in the Engineering Service Learning’s conduit course ENGR 096 and its predecessor courses.

Project Name




FFC4ESL Website UC Merced In Progress

Enhance the discoverability and usability of the UC Merced’s Engineering Service Learning program website.

Vernal Pools Gate Merced Vernal Pools In Progress

Re-design gates for Merced Vernal Pools and Grassland Reserves.


Kiddieland In Progress Re-design gates found around the Kiddieland premises.

Project Protect

Healthy House

Spring 2021

Developing a system to aid women in reestablishing community connections. 

Nematode Detection in Walnut Orchards

U.S. Geological Survey

Spring 2020

Reducing the effects of nematode infestations on walnut orchards

Egg Rocket

Le Grand High School

Spring 2020

Promoting STEM topics such as physics, projectile motion, and rocket building to local high school students 

Oral Health Mobile App

Merced County

Spring 2020

An app to improve access to healthcare for the multi-ethnic communities in Merced County

Campus Drone Tour

UC Merced Admissions

Spring 2019

 A drone assisted tour that livestreams a campus tour experience to prospective students

Mobile Maker Lab

Merced Community

Spring 2019

A traveling maker-lab to attend outreach events and K-12 schools

Sierra Terraces EBOM 

UC Merced Sustainability

Spring 2019

Performing the Existing Buildings Certification: Operations & Maintenance for the Sierra Terraces housing buildings

Automated Economic Snapshot

Tuolumne County 

Fall 2018

Designing software to snapshot economic development in rural counties in the Central Valley

Naturalist App

UC Merced Reserve

Fall 2018

Field Guide app for UC Merced's reserve

Pierce's Disease Detection

Merced County Cooperative Extension 

Fall 2018

Designing an autonomous system to detect Pierce’s Disease in grapevines using unmanned aerial platforms.

Plate Tectonics

Chenoweth Elementary 

Fall 2018

Designing a Plate Tectonics lab to assist students in understanding plate tectonic movements


N.A. Chaderjian Youth Correctional Facility

Fall 2018

Improving rehabilitation among incarcerated youth


UC Merced Sustainability

Spring 2018

Identifying sustainability initiatives on the UC Merced campus

Merced Children's Museum

Merced County

Spring 2018

Bringing a Children's Museum to Merced County

Hope Respite

Merced County Rescue Mission

Fall 2017

Providing technical assistance in record-keeping for the Merced County Rescue Mission

Velocity Track 

Golden Valley Highschool

Fall 2017

Developing educational supplements cover basic math, physics, and other sciences 

Antibiotic Resistance

Merced County

Fall 2016

Reducing the effects of antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Community Garden

UC Merced Sustainability

Fall 2016

Working towards sustainability at the UC Merced campus

Floppy Chamber

Merced County Office of Education

Fall 2016

Helping local K-12 kids grasp basic physics concepts of energy 

Vacuum Chamber

Merced County Office of Education

Fall 2016

Developing a supplementary science curriculum to support local K-12 programs

Bobcat Brewery

Kiva Zip

Spring 2016

Looking at sustainability initiative for Bobcat Brewery


UC Merced Sustainability

Spring 2016

Performing the Existing Buildings Certification: Operations & Maintenance for the COB1 building

Streaming Radio Station


Spring 2016

Putting UC Merced on the air

Windmill Restoration

UC Merced Reserve

Spring 2016

Converting a diesel-powered groundwater pump to a more environmentally friendly option

Castle Planning & Development Tool

Merced County

Fall 2015

Mapping the economic development of Merced County

High-Efficiency Solar Collectors

UC Merced

Fall 2015

Development of heat exchanger powered by renewable energy for UCM academics and research

Kiva Green

Kiva Zip

Fall 2015

Developing operational plans & address some of the needs of the new Reserve


Merced Community

Fall 2015

Inspiring youth to explore nanoscience

River Kiosk

San Joaquin Valley

Fall 2015

San Joaquin River Restoration interactive kiosk

Strength & Materials Lab

UC Merced 

Fall 2015

Providing educational computer-based tools to enhance student learning

Reserve Gate Sign

Merced County

Fall 2014

UC Merced Vernal Pool and Grasslands Reserve interpretive signage

Wildlife Camera


Fall 2013

Developing an interactive webcam for the California Fish and Wildlife Reserve